The Lovely Places's project

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Km of routes


The Republic of San Marino is the leader of a project for a tourism development network in cooperation with the Emilia-Romagna and Marche Regions and 118 Mayors of neighbouring municipalities

It was born during one of the most complicated periods in modern history from an idea of the Secretariat of State for Tourism of the Republic of San Marino, with the endorsement of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the support of the Italian Ministry of Tourism. The ambition is to open a new phase of synergic development of tourism in San Marino and the territories surrounding the Republic.

It is called "Sustainable Tourism Development Project" and it is the plan at the core of the activity of the TTT, Territorial Table for Tourism, a qualified working group involving the State of San Marino, 121 neighbouring municipalities and two Italian Regions (Marche and Emilia-Romagna) and the nine San Marino Castles.

The ambitious project aims to create a network capable of coordinating a tourist offer capable of enhancing the common excellences of a vast territory, unique and rich in opportunities, with an innovative approach that allows to share values and ideals in line with the indications of international organisations.

This is an attempt to look to the future of tourism and make it more sustainable and able to generate benefits not only for businesses in the tourism sector but for the entire local community. This is an innovative project both in terms of its methodological approach and its decision to focus strongly on a common value of the entire area, which is the environment and nature as a trait d'union, through which routes and itineraries are developed to be carried out in a slow and green way.

It is a project capable of generating an "aggregate system of tourism value", an aim that is expressed in a series of general objectives and initiatives to be pursued in the continuation of the TTT work. The intention is not to stop at mere comparison but to enter the action phase as soon as possible for a synergic activity that accelerates the challenge of the territories through internal cooperation, integration and systematisation of opportunities.

A project that, therefore, starts from the need to initiate a new way of experiencing the "heritage territory": a territory that becomes an incubator of innovation and enhancement of excellence, in the awareness that the models used so far for tourism enhancement are useful, but no longer sufficient to fully respond to the changing needs of the tourist and economic community of the territories.

Secretary of State for Tourism, Posts, Cooperation and Expo, of the Republic of San Marino

There is an 'unwritten' historical bond between the Republic of San Marino and its neighbouring territories, a relationship that is reflected in the fact that they share a great historical and natural heritage and a brotherly sharing of values and ideals, although representing different States. This is a bond that we intend to put to common use in the sector which, more than others, has no administrative boundaries but is based on territorial ties: tourism.